What My Kids Taught Me About Motherhood

So I’ve been a mom now for about nine years and I must say that I have it down to a almost a science…ha ha! That is so hysterical..please I couldn’t even continue  with such a lie and type that with such a straight face.  Please, I am far from having it down pact at all.  Motherhood has its ups and downs, sideways and zigzags but, I am glad that I was chosen to be the mom to these two kiddos. In honesty, these two could not have come at a better time. With the pressure of work, pressure of doing it all just ceased to exist anymore once I became a mother and oh boy did they teach me me a thing or two about myself so let me share, cause I’m sure you too can agree….


Don’t take yourself too seriously.  I can’t count how many times I am dressing up in a costume or pretending to be some sort of made up superhero..nope not your typical superwoman..its a a cross between spider gal and a zombie. I have now allowed myself to chill. We love getting creative and making silly faces.

tyler dog

Being a parent has taught me to enjoy each and every moment and that its ok to laugh at yourself and to look a little (or a lot) silly.

Moms, its ok to say no. Face it, as a mom we are chefs, teachers, doctors and just about the CEO of our household. Multitasking is what we do best and while our days (and nights) are filled with requests from everyone, we keep pushing on and saying yes to the endless requests that come our way. So let me share this with you.  Moms, it is ok to say no. You don’t have to do it all. You don’t have to feel guilty that you said no. Saying no brings peace to your life when you’re overwhelmed. If your plates are full, it’s time to empty them.

Its ok to fail. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve browsed Pinterest for party inspirations and upon execution, I’ve just screamed “Eeek” and realized that #momfail has become apart of my daily routine as a mom.  Those days when I think I’ve failed as mom my kids are always by my side, cheering me on while we play dress up or as I dance around the house making silly noises.


Have fun. Forget schedules, discipline and goals for a second! These things are important, but so is having fun which is why you should take some time to share laughs and enjoy your kids today. Having fun is can also help with that mom guilt you may be feeling.  Try this. During your summer break, create a family bucket list. Write all your big and little activities on a chalk board for the entire family to see.  There are plenty of outdoorsy fun to get involved in – from building a fort to checking out drive thru. Make memories and be spontaneous.


Patience is key. Possibly the most patience testing time for moms is when we are trying to transition our kids. Out of bed. To school. Get homework done. To the car. To bed.  They always seem to move in slow motion. They forget things like – pants. It’s truly stunning the crazy things that cause friction during transition times. So today, vow to start extra early. It’ll make a difference.

So there you have it, you may agree or disagree with everything on this list, but one thing we can all agree on is that parenting is a crazy journey — and I don’t know about you, but I choose to have fun along the way, which means I’ve got to laugh at my mommy self!


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