When it comes to developing strong lean muscles incorporating protein into your diet is essential.  According to online medical studies, adults in the U.S. are encouraged to get 10% to 35% of their day’s calories from protein foods. That’s about 46 grams of protein for women, and 56 grams of protein for men. Are your getting that much?


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As I write this post, the family and I are still on the mend from the flu for over two weeks. From experiencing fever, sore throat, cough, congestion, fatigue, aches…it all put the “ick” in sick for this family! So, when my friends over at Dr. Cocoa™ for Children asked me to participate in the “Relief With A Smile” campaign I jumped at the chance.

OK, so aside from giving extra hugs and kisses, letting them watch their favorite TV shows or allowing them to have ice cream to soothe their sore throats have been just a few ways I have been caring for my little ones while under the weather but, the moment my cranky-darlings sees me pour a spoonful of liquid medicine they run for the hills. So what is a mom to do when your child just wont’ accept medicine? Well thanks to the new Dr. Cocoa™ for Children line the taste of yucky medicine is a thing of the past.

Dr. Cocoa™for Children is the first-ever chocolate flavored, over-the-counter liquid cough and cold medicine line for children ages 4-13! The great chocolate taste, made with real cocoa, combined with trusted, effective ingredients, means kids are happy to take the medicine and moms are happy that their children will get cough and cold relief.

Dr. Cocoa™ for Children comes in three patented formulas:

  1. Dr. Cocoa™ Long-Acting Cough Relief: relieves coughs for up to eight hours without causing drowsiness in children ages 4-13 (active ingredient: Dextromethorphan). Follow the package label for exact dose by age, or speak to your child’s pediatrician.
  2. Dr. Cocoa™ Daytime Cough + Cold Relief: relieves stuffy nose and cough for children ages 4-13. Its non-drowsy formula makes it ideal for daytime use (active ingredients: Dextromethorphan and Phenylephrine). Follow the package label for exact dose by age, or speak to your child’s pediatrician.
  3. Dr. Cocoa™ Nighttime Cough + Cold Relief: Made especially for children ages 6-13 to relieve coughs, along with stuffy nose, runny nose and sneezing at night (active ingredients: Diphenhydramine, Phenylephrine). Follow the package label for exact dose by age, or speak to your child’s pediatrician.

Take a look at this video to learn more http://youtu.be/V9p9WvpZY68.

Now that you know about the great benefits of Dr. Cocoa try out these 6 tricky tips when you need to give your sick kid medicine:

1. Positive Attitude. Parents need to have the right attitude. Kids respond to reason and encouragement

2. Improve the flavor. In a new national survey of U.S. parents of school-aged children (ages 4-13), 40% say that they find it isn’t always easy to give their child(ren) over-the-counter liquid cough and cold medicine. Of those surveyed, one third of parents believe the taste of the medicine impacts how easy it is to give their child the medicine. Your child will like the rich, chocolate taste, and you’ll love the cough and cold relief Dr. Cocoa™ provides.

3. Rewards. Toddlers will often respond to a reward system. In addition to verbal praising give them a sticker or a small token to show them how proud you are of them after they take the medicine.

4. Consistency. Try incorporating medicine taking into the family’s daily routine. Set a time and place.

5. Let your kids take control (sort of). Allowing your kids to have a choice gives them a sense of empowerment. They usually wont struggle if they know they are the ones making the choices. Along with consistency, allow them to decide when they will take it – say, before of after bedtime.

6. Talk to your physician. If problems persist, ask for help! Talk to your child’s doctor, psychiatrist or teacher and try to come up with a solution. But most of all, don’t stop talking to your child.

Dr. Cocoa products are available nationwide at stores, as well as online. For more information about Dr. Cocoa™, including where to buy, visit www.drcocoa.com. To save on Dr. Cocoa™, visit their website to print a valuable coupon. Connect with the brand on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DrCocoaforChildren.

Disclaimer: This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. However, all opinions, text and experiences are my own.

Visit www.drcocoa.com for a $4-off coupon offer.

This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. However, all opinions, text and experiences are my own.


This year, do yourself a favor and give yourself a gift – the gift of a stress-free holiday that is. Mapping out holiday travel plans or your grocery lists for hosting a holiday party can be a recipe for disaster, especially when you add winter weather, long lines, traffic jams, temper tantrums and demanding in-laws…geez, that’s a lot of distractions!

So today I am going to share with you my top 6 savvy travel tips that will no longer allow you to have panic attacks or anxiety:
family travel

1. Don’t Repeat the Past. Examine what worked and what didn’t. If long car drives left your little one feeling cranky, then opt for flying or taking a train ride to your destination.

If you are driving make sure your car seat is installed correctly. If it’s been awhile since you visited a car seat check, it’s recommended to check your seat with a Certified Child Safety Technician in advance of your trip. Safercar.gov is a great resource.

2. Why so serious??! Look for the humor and try not to take everything so seriously. Sometimes you just have to laugh and say “It is what is is”. View Post


Over the weekend, my Kindergartner and I were both working on his take home project and had a blast doing so!

If you are looking for something creative to do this Thanksgiving then this is the project that the whole family can fall in love with!


Turkey In Disguise….Save your turkey from being eaten.  Here are some great reads for your family to get you in the Turkey In Disguise mood!

Also be sure to awesome DIY Turkey in Disguise found on the web as well as a printable just for you!

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Leslie Vandever who is a professional journalist and freelance writer with more than 25 years of experience. She lives in the foothills of Northern California where she writes for Healthline.

“80 percent of success is showing up.” – Woody Allen

In this day of ‘round-the-clock fitness centers, boot camp-style training courses for suburban moms, and TV commercials blaring at us to get this fitness video or that muscle-building-fat-burning-coffee-making machine, we should all be as fit and healthy as Navy Seals, if not as uniformly rock-jawed. Yet, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, more than two-thirds of American adults are overweight and a third are obese—that is, they have a body-mass-index of 30 or higher—and roughly 17 percent of our children from ages two to 17 are obese as well.

It’s alarmingly clear that we need to do something about this pudgy—and growing ever-pudgier—problem. So how do we motivate ourselves to get some exercise?


Exercise Saves Lives
We can start with why obesity is so treacherous to our health and overall well-being. It’s the second-leading cause of death in the U.S.—only smoking kills more Americans. Abdominal fat is a top indicator of risk for obesity-related diseases, like cardiovascular (heart) disease and type 2 diabetes. Others include endometrial, breast, and colon cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, liver and gallbladder disease, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, osteoarthritis, and gynecological problems. Several of these diseases and conditions are killers. And although exercise alone can’t prevent them, it can greatly reduce their risk when combined with a healthy, nutritious diet that focuses on healthy weight loss and maintenance. View Post
