How excited where we when we heard rumors that Grammy Award singer, Beyonce is finally expecting with her first baby with husband/rapper Jay Z.  Well unfortunately Beyonce’s management team can forward and immediately crushed those rumors stating that she is not with child. Too bad, can’t wait for these two to procreate. That will be one true POSH mom and baby. Stay tuned.


So you and your partner have had the talk about being now next?!  of course the “obvious” but, there are few things that can boots up the process of getting you pregnant.


  • Your weight plays a huge role in conception. It has been documented that over and under weight women have a harder  time  getting pregnant, so talk to you doctor first to find out you are at your health weight
  • Begin tracking your ovulation cycle.  Try First Response Ovulation Predictor Test, it helps determine the two days that woman is most fertile
  • Quit smoking – NOW
  • And simply, relax, be patient and enjoy  the next couple of months, its worth it!