How Networking Can Be Beneficial To Moms

For the past couple of months, I have been attending blogger conferences, not just to perfect my brand but by meeting wonderful people that shares similar interests.  So, today I am going to share some tips and tools on how moms on-the-go can up the ante on their networking game.

The power of networking has not only been beneficial to building relationship for me and my kids, but has gained me the confidence needed to become a “mompreneur”.

What is Networking? {noun} via
1. a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest:
“Working mothers in the community use networking to help themselves manage successfully.”

Sharing blogger secrets at #BlogHer17 with blogger/cousin

Networking happens each and everyday…whether you are at the playground, grocery store, commuting to work or even at PTA events.  Think about it. Every time you meet someone, pick up the phone, send an email you are networking. Can you believe that its been that simple all along??!

Meet and greet with RHOA Kandi Burruss at @BloggerBash #Babypalooza #BBNYC

Related Post: #MomsFitOut2017

1. Ever Great Mom Needs A Network.  Connecting about pregnancy, milestones or if you are in need of a girls night out are important people to have in your network. Just as you met these great women that you call friends, is the same way you are able to meet new ones. Looking to meet new moms?  Go to the park with your kids and walk over to the first person you see.  They too are intimated and unsure of their surroundings, so extend your hands and smile.

Looking to meet new moms? See item 3.

2. Networking is More Than Socializing.  Chances are, someone in your network is able to introduce you to people who could be beneficial to you breaking into the industry you are vying to work in. It’s important to be able to reciprocate the helping hand, however.

People who just take and fail to give are quickly brushed aside. A successful networker will be able to give and take, not just take.

3. Building Your Mom Brand:  Do take a handful of business cards with you to any networking event you plan to attend (that includes PTA or Little League). And YES Mom Cards are very trendy and highly effective when arranging that next playdate.  And, as you gather cards from your connections, take a few notes on the back to help you remember key points.

4. Location Is Key: Choose a place, time and date that is less likely to threaten to you.  If you are not a morning person, breakfast groups may not be your thing. If you don’t like mixing and mingling at cocktail parties, find another event. It is more productive to seek organizations with activities you enjoy at a time of day that works for you. You can make valuable connections with like-minded people anywhere.

5. What is Your Strategy:  All in all, there is a strategy for networking.  Usually before I attend any event or engage in any opportunity, I ask myself….Who do I plan to meet?  What do I hope to accomplish? How will the relationships be mutually beneficial?

6. Pitch Yourself.  OK, so you have made contacts, now what?  Whether you are looking to start a new career or join a women’s group, prepare yourself and pitch away. Know what to tell them about yourself and also what you’d like to ask them. Start with who you are and what your interests are. Be yourself – don’t be still, uptight or rude.  Then figure out what you’d like to ask your contacts. Enhance Your Skills.

Have open-ended questions ready to get others to talk to you and pay attention to the answers so you can keep the conversation moving.

7. Practice Etiquette Skills:  Successful networkers make others feel valued by focusing attention on them. They listen and respond to what is being said.  Listen 80 percent and talk 20 percent. This is also good practice for your children.  Teaching your child to feel that you’re being responsive to his needs as well as your own, will make him more willing to listen to you in the future.

Also, end your evening with a handshake and follow up with a note stating how nice it was meeting them and what type of relationship you are hoping to build.

If you network properly it could open a lot of doors for you and for a lasting relationship.

How do you network?  Follow my Instagram and Like my Facebook for keep up to date with other networking strategies.


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