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A winter storm watch is in effect and my Facebook feed has turned into the weather channel…

So what do you do when your school district cancels school? Here’s are some of my favorite things to do with the kids that will wish you had you had more snow days! View Post


We all know how much I love Halloween but, since having kids I have also fallen in love with Valentine’s Day…it brings out my inner Martha Stewart (well on a lower scale that is). And because we love saying how much we are happy to our friends, why not give our classmates some sweet treats during this day of love.  But what is a none-crafty-crafter suppose to do with two kids in school??!  No worries…simply copy my easy to make goody bags and your ‘lil one will be loved forever by his classmates.

vdaybags View Post


Here’s another DIY project that my Kindergartner brought home just in time for Christmas…decorating your own gingerbread man.  The one that we worked on is simply delicious, I could eat him up…here’s what you’ll need to replicate the perfect sugar-coated gingerbread man, simply made out of cardboard.

gingerbread man project

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Let me share a secret….I have been highlighting my eyebrows since the age of 19. Why you ask? Well, ever since I experienced my first hair color change (from shades of browns to blondes) my extremely dark brows would stand out like huge caterpillars. When I learned that I was just part of the celebrity trend, I didn’t feel the need to hide it any longer. So when my friends over at Jolen sent me over their new packaging, which included a bonus size, a handy cup to make mixing bleach easy (this is ideal when using larger amounts for different areas of the body) along with a fun Conair 3X/1X Illuminated LED Mirror, I jumped at the chance to share with you my must-do beauty regime.

Jolen Creme Bleach comes in an original formula as well as a sensitive formula with Aloe Vera, which is ideal for use on sensitive, more delicate skin.


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home fresheners

With two boys, a husband and a cat, sometimes the smell in my home is less than desirable and I hate covering the scent with expensive candles (which isn’t the safest way to go with kids at home!).  But after browsing the web,  I found these great ideas ideas that can make your home smell really yummy and great, simply by using items you already have in your cabinet. Here are 5 examples that work for me: View Post
