7 Things To Do Before You Go To Bed

Not only is a great night sleep important for us moms but, what we do before we go to bed is even more important. Not only are we in a better mood, but are organized and thus becomes the foundation of your whole day. Here are seven things to do before heading to bed.


  1. Read: This can be an opportunity to learn new stuff, get inspired, generate ideas or challenge your mind with some philosophical topics.
  2. Access the next day:  Make a to-do list, think of all the tasks – big or small – you need to get done tomorrow, even the non-essential ones. You’ll sleep better knowing that you’ve already planned for the day ahead and you’ll rise in the morning knowing that you’ve already taken care of the leg work to get a jump start on the day.
  3. Prepare meals: Not only should you prepare lunch for the next day but preparing meals for week is the best.
  4. Get The Gym Bag Ready:  Say NO to excuses and prepare to head to the gym the next day. It only takes a minute to lay out your gear, but it’s a great shortcut for making sure you get your fitness in every morning. Taking care of your health is an important part of being a mom.  Read: Clean Eating Tips 
  5. Affirmations: bedtime-affirmations-post
  6. Unplug: Turn off everything around you. You only need your alarm.  A good nighttime ritual’s purpose is to let you sleep well and that means no notifications, sounds, lights or other interruptions.
  7. Meditation;  Another great thing you may want to practice at night. Meditation is good for both your mental health and physical health. Meditation works as a recharge for your energy and get you focus in what you want.

1 Comment

  1. February 21, 2015 / 3:48 pm

    This is good advice! I think having this as a ritual every night before you go to bed would be awesome… it’s just about getting into the habit of doing it! Regarding the gym bag, I always think you’re much more likely to actually get to the gym the following day if everything is ready to go the night before – it gets rid of any possible excuses the next morning!! I need to get better at this! 🙂
    Thanks for the advice! I will be sure to follow along!

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