Ever since the birth of my son I could not imagine my life without my smartphone.  Being able to capture my son’s “firsts” and sharing them online to be viewed by my family and friends has made me a mom that is organized and well connected. Now there really isn’t an excuse to miss any of my son’s doctor appointments, PTA meetings and date night with the hubby (well, who could miss those).

Now as a mom blogger, the smartphone has taken me to other levels of greatness…being able to connect with my followers, scheduling posts, catching up on my emails and browsing through online magazines has made the life of this blogger so much easy and fun.


Here’s a few more tips on how to become a smart mom with a smartphone:  

1. Games. Taking a cranky kid to a shopping center can leave a mom going mad (and embarrassed!) so by uploading a few child friendly games, cautiously pass along your smartphone to your lil one and I promise you not only will it tame your cranky little angel, but become a great resource for education….He’ll be saying his ABC’s in no time.

2. Task Trackers. A smartphone calendar beats a paper trail anytime! Being a mom is hectic enough, so with the help of a smartphone you are able to keep track of all the goings on in your life. By adding your appointments to your calendar app can make things so easy in just a few seconds. Voila!

3. Beauty Tips. Just because you are a mom does not mean you need to forget YOU!  So by uploading a few beauty apps you can instantly get the latest on beauty trends right at your fingertips.

4. Mommy Meetups. Being a stay at home mom can sometimes feel lonely, but with the help of going online and searching for mommy meetup groups can help bring back your sanity. Not only is your lil one having a great time with his new little friends, but you are now able to meet other moms that you can exchange “war” stories with.

5. Be In-The-Know.  Staying up-to-date with current events (especially celebrity gossip!) is a fab way of catching up while being on the go. If your lil one is controlling the household’s TV, how are you ever going to find out what going on in the world? Well, that’s where your smartphone comes in. It’ll tell you everything that you need to know from finances to social events in just a few clicks away.

I’m a happy U.S. Cellular customer, and I’m not alone. They have the highest satisfaction rating of any national carrier. If you want to know more about why I chose them, visit their website. Or you can like them on Facebook to receive special offers on new phones.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by US Cellular via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of U.S. Cellular®


5 months pregnant with my son

Two years ago this very month, I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of my son…with a c-section scheduled for the big day, I was nervous, excited, anxious…you name it, I felt every emotion imaginable. Then finally on December 30th at 1:15p weighing in at 7lbs, 6 ounces I came face to face with my precious angel….

Dear Lil B….

I could never imagine life without you. I would dream of you for so long. All my life I felt like I was chasing for something or someone.  I keep on filling that void with mindless, empty things.  Not knowing that the one thing around me had already represented you. Your dad. It took me 36 years to find you. But only after I stopped running you came along. You’ve helped me become a better person, a person that I never thought I could be.  You’ve given me the greatest gift I can ever know. The gift of motherhood.


This week’s POSH MOM OF THE WEEK is a MOM after my own heart..she loves reality TV, married to a techie and wrting is her passion…I think I’ve found my doppelgänger…Ok, you be the judge…Let’s welcome Tiffany Fulcher, the Founding-Editor of  TiffanyFulcher.org, a site dedicated to fashion, relationship, cool gadgets and much much more.

MommyPosh: Tell us about yourself. Your Family.  

Tiffany Fulcher: I am a wife, mother, writer and educator. I write for several outlets, including my blog TiffanyFulcher.org. I am also an instructor part-time at a community college and teach a college writing class. If I were not a teacher and a writer I would probably be in the fashion industry because I love clothes…lol! I also love anything vintage, art, literature, and music. I am kind of like a hippie but I have to be free spirited while wearing Gucci shoes…lol!

I have been married for nine years and have 3 beautiful children. My husband is my exact opposite, a techie with a personality to match. Two girls Sydnei 8 the diva and Symone 16mons the boss who really runs the family and a son Trey age 4 ½ who is Mr. Personality.

MP: You are a mom, a wife, a woman – what do you take most pride in?

TF: I would have to say that I take great pride in being a wife. I thoroughly enjoy the relationship I have with my spouse. If it weren’t for his love and support I couldn’t be the mother that I am. He knows me so well and takes such great care of our family. I appreciate the opportunity to be by his side as a life partner. He truly balances me out. We are very different but compliment each other quite well. It’s an exciting journey!

MP: How would you describe yourself as a mom?

TF: I am very hands on with my kids. I love them dearly and try to be very present with them. I love being in the moment! I spend a lot of time and energy teaching, encouraging, laughing, and playing with them. I want the best for them so I do have high expectations, however I try to reach them where they are individually and not look at them as a collective group.

MP: Tell us about your blog – TiffanyFulcher.org

TF: TiffanyFulcher.org is my baby, I love to write. Recently the site has been more momcentric focusing on subjects most moms will find interesting. I do however write about relationships, religion, politics, reality tv…lol! I write about it all it’s my daily musings of life from my perspective.

I was inspired to launch the site when I became a stay at home mom after my son was born. I needed an outlet and started writing. I started reading other blogs and decided hey I can do this…TiffanyFulcher was born. I have been writing every since! Next year will be 5 years…wow time has really flown by.

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SAVE THE DATE: November 26, 2011, is Small Business Saturday.

With Black Friday just around the corner, most small businesses can be forgotten in all the hoopla..So, on Saturday, November 26th take the pledge and promise to shop at your local small business.

If you happen to live in New York City, take a trip to Westchester County (its only a 30 minute train ride away), they have quite a few small businesses that you will fall in love with. Here are just a few of my favorites:

  • Chocolations (607 East Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY) If you are a lover of all things chocolate, then this is the store for you.
  • Pretty Face Medi Spa (2081 Albany Post Road, Montrose, NY) Get a great facial and other FAB body treatments at this relaxing spa. Read my review here.

How you can get involved:

  • ‘Like’ the Small Business Saturday page on Facebook to pledge your support: facebook.com/ShopSmall
  • Share the Small Business Saturday page with your friends and family
  • Shop at small businesses on November 26 and beyond
  • If you are a small business owner, visit facebook.com/ShopSmall.

What local small business will you be shopping at on November 26?



This week’s POSH MOM OF THE WEEK is not just your typical “mom blogger” with tales of her and her family, but she is a mom that vlogs her shopping adventures and shares with us her OOTD.
Mimi Scarlett, 32, is a wife, SAHM to her 1-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son. She is originally from Washington, D.C., but now resides in Atlanta with her husband and family. Mimi is the founding editor of Lipgloss and Binkya blog that I frequent daily – and so should you – from her great fashion finds from thrift shopping and her weekend wrap-ups are posts that I just can’t get enough of. That is why Mimi is this week’s feature spotlight:

MommyPosh: Tell me about yourself. Your Family.

Mimi: I am a reformed workaholic, turned SAHM. I am quite simple and easy going. I love to laugh and have a good time. My family and friends are very important to me. I spent many years always worrying and stressing. I finally had my AHA moment. Life is to short, I plan to enjoy it. I truly believe everything will work itself out and while your waiting have fun. Some things you can’t control, but you can control your happiness. I am the mother of a 6 y.o. a 1 y.o and the stepmother of a 10 y.o. My husband and I met in college. He is the most amazing man.

MP: You are a mom, a wife, and a woman – what do you take most pride in?

Mimi: I take pride in being a woman. I embrace all that I am. Being a woman encompasses being a wife, mom and many other things.

MP: Tell us about your blog – Lipgloss & Binky: The Rants and Raves of a Fab Mom

Mimi: The tagline of my blog is the “The Rants and Raves of a Fab Mom” and it is exactly that. My little corner of the blogosphere is my place to vent and share. I love the people I have met there. The community of women in blogging is amazing. I blog about everything from parenting to fashion, it really is an indication of how random I am in real life!

MP: How are you different from other “mom bloggers”?

Mimi: I don’t know if I really think I am much different, but I think I may get out and do more away from my children that some of the bloggers that I read. I enjoy getting out and I’m just really happy that my husband supports and understands that. He rocks!

MP: Where do you shop for your kids?  For you?

Mimi: For my children TJ Maxx, Marshall, Target, Carter’s, Osh Kosh, Old Navy, H&M, and Gap are my old faithfuls. For myself, I love to thrift so most of my apparel comes from the Goodwill or some type of consignment shop. Some of my favorites would be Gap, Banana Republic, Chico’s, and Macy’s if I had to name.

MP: Who is your style inspiration?

Mimi: I love Rachel Zoe’s style. I love a simple chic look and I think she does it the best.

MP: How would you describe yourself as a mom?

Mimi: I would like to think I am open minded. I don’t obsess over their every move. Life won’t treat them the same way when I’m not there. With my daughter I want to lead a life that shows her that when she grows up she can be an awesome wife and mom without losing herself in the process. I hope to teach her that through example. I am very loving and give tons of praise for the tiniest things they do. I hug and kiss them A LOT! My mother did it with me and I remember that.

MP: What’s your life motto?

Mimi: Everything will work itself out just as it should. In the meantime, enjoy life.

MP: Fill in the blank: I can’t enough of  ___

Mimi: Nail polish. My collection is insane and excessive

MP: Fill in the blank: My signature look is __

Mimi: Classic Chic. I love the basics, crisp white shirt with a little umph added in!

MP: What’s next for Lipgloss and Binky?

Mimi: So much! I am learning so much about blogging. I would like to grow the blog in the next year. Obtaining sponsorships and the ability to review and bring useful products to my readers is on my to do list. I also plan to attend my first blog conference in 2012 along with pairing up with other bloggers to hold some events. The sky is the limit.

You can find more of Mimi’s rants, raves and randomness on my blog,www.lipglossandbinky.com and on Twitter: @glossymimi.

Each week we will bring to you a mom that signifies overall POSHness, a mom that reveals real stories and experiences that celebrate, entertain and inspire the woman, who is a mom.

Are you a POSH Mom like Mimi? Are you a mom that inspires others? A mom with a blog or company that you would like to promote? Then contact me at gina@mommyposh.com to get featured here. 
