Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Nissan Altima via Mode Media. All views and opinions are solely of MommyPosh.

When “having it all” is mentioned in a conversation, usually an eye roll follows. Is this because there is no such thing as “having it all”? Are we living in a fairytale if we think having it all is really such a thing? Some people may think that having the perfect house, the perfect career or the vast amount of friends you have on social media defines “having it all”. While having the “perfect” everything may be true to most, it certainly doesn’t define this mom of two.

For me “having it all” is living the moment through the eyes of my two boys. What we sometimes see around us can jade our views on love, relationships, families, etc., but since becoming a mom I have learned to appreciate the oh-so little things. It truly changes your perspective of life.

having it all
Enjoying a “Having it All” moment with my 2 year old, Tyler

To an outsider, it may seem that I gave up so much for becoming a stay at home mom, but I’m glad I did. You’ve got to choose your battles, and at this moment I am fulfilling my days with taking my kids to school, helping them with homework and watching them explore the world around them. Being able to experience my kids first is something that I cherish. To me this is a clear choice and for me this is what “having it all” means.

Being able to share my story was the encouragement needed to start to my blog. It was a way to inspire new moms that “having it all” is different from house to house, but the key is to embrace it and live each moment to the fullest.

Another person who captures the “Have it All” spirit is Geneva Thomas. Not only does Geneva invite us into her swanky New York City home in the “Haute Havens” video, but also we get to see her unique, but very exciting self.


With its stylish looks and premium interior, the Nissan Altima is just as much as an individual as you are. Not fitting into one mold is what makes the Nissan Altima not only unique, but very exciting!

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nissan via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nissan.


Not only is a great night sleep important for us moms but, what we do before we go to bed is even more important. Not only are we in a better mood, but are organized and thus becomes the foundation of your whole day. Here are seven things to do before heading to bed.


  1. Read: This can be an opportunity to learn new stuff, get inspired, generate ideas or challenge your mind with some philosophical topics.
  2. Access the next day:  Make a to-do list, think of all the tasks – big or small – you need to get done tomorrow, even the non-essential ones. You’ll sleep better knowing that you’ve already planned for the day ahead and you’ll rise in the morning knowing that you’ve already taken care of the leg work to get a jump start on the day.
  3. Prepare meals: Not only should you prepare lunch for the next day but preparing meals for week is the best.
  4. Get The Gym Bag Ready:  Say NO to excuses and prepare to head to the gym the next day. It only takes a minute to lay out your gear, but it’s a great shortcut for making sure you get your fitness in every morning. Taking care of your health is an important part of being a mom.  Read: Clean Eating Tips 
  5. Affirmations: bedtime-affirmations-post
  6. Unplug: Turn off everything around you. You only need your alarm.  A good nighttime ritual’s purpose is to let you sleep well and that means no notifications, sounds, lights or other interruptions.
  7. Meditation;  Another great thing you may want to practice at night. Meditation is good for both your mental health and physical health. Meditation works as a recharge for your energy and get you focus in what you want.

Working up a sweat is great when you’re at the gym, but not so great when you’re worrying about a breakout. Though physical activity is beneficial for every part of your body, your pores will get clogged if you don’t take proper skincare steps.  New York Dermatologist, Dr. Jeremy Fenton, Schweiger Dermatology Group, reveals tips on how to avoid dreaded exercise acne. 


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Trying to actually find ways to look and feel wide awake first thing in in the a.m. can seem unreal but, I’m here to tell you that it can be done. So today, I have rounded up some of favorite ways to look and feel glam.  From a oatmeal recipe to my go to exercise, I’ve got you covered. View Post


The holiday season has finally arrived and ’tis the season to recognize those handful of people that you can rely on to keep your world sane. From your nanny, dogwalker, hairstylist and yes even your super….I’ve asked a few of my mom friends to share with me what and how much they tip during this season and here’s what they had to say.  Also below is a great printable to include in on gift. If you are looking for a great gift for your dad or husband and they like to woodwork then get them the best bench drill press.


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