“Bless your heart”…for having mommy-me time?? After Lil’ B was born, I was dying for some ME time…and I am not talking about uninterrupted bathroom break, nope, I needed a weekend getaway with the gals, sans the family…So when I presented this little getaway escape, a few a of my mom friends gasp and not with delight, but with shock and horror and refusal of wanting to leave their precious cargo overnight.  As my patience wore thin, I argued how the husband would take care of kids, how much this is needed, blah blah blah, one would have thought that I was asking them to give up a year of being a mom..even though at times that would be nice…kidding!  But seriously, is there a crime for wanting a break away from the family??

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If you are a searching for the secret on how to get your newborn to sleep soundly then this is the review for you.  For his follow up to The Happiest Baby on the Block and The Happiest Toddler on the Block, pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp has tackled yet again one of the biggest issues we parents face: lack of sleep…

“Sleep deprivation is the number one problem you face as the parent of a young child,” says Dr. Harvey Karp. View Post


My husband and I loved going out to the movies, but now that we have children movie night out is a thing of the past.  With two little kids at $20 a ticket, purchasing a big tub of popcorn (I mean a large is only $.50 more, right?!) and hiring a babysitter for our newborn makes going out to the theaters a little challenging. That is why we picked up a box of Pop Secret popcorn and created our own movie experience in the comfort of our home and  here’s how:

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Its been over a month now since the arrival of baby #2…and yes, while Lil T is all sorts of adorable and smells great, he is a one grumpy baby, sometimes I think he hates that I am his mommy and that’s why he cries often…one night he cried for five hours straight…yes non-stop.  What I’ve learned thus far as a mom is patience and boy oh boy, Lil T really pushes my limits.  Nothing seemed to have calmed him that night and that alone was frustrating, annoying and draining, until I became creative.

Read: Portlandia’s Parenting Advice 

And that’s why most of us will try just about anything to calm down our fussy babies, even if for a moment it will calm them down.   View Post


Are you planning for the future but still thinking for today? Then try these 5 creative ways to get the most out of your money without compromising without breaking the wallet.

  1. Stop thinking you have to do extravagant things to spend some QT with the family.  Never underestimate the power of sites like Groupon (www.groupon.com) or Living Social (www.livingsocial.com), who can assist you with planning an economical family adventure without the need of a third or fourth job in order to pay for it.
  2. Parks can a families best friend. Parks are places that the entire family can enjoy and it doesn’t cost a thing to go to them. If you are looking for a little more fun, you can always invite some friends and family for a small picnic with hot dogs and burgers.  View Post