Celebrity-mom, Marcia Cross (Desperate Housewives) really knows how to protect her little one from the harsh rays of sun. Wearing a wide brimmed hat or cap is one of the best ways to protect (you and) your infants face and neck from any exposure to sun.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends keeping babies younger than 6 months out of direct sunlight.  It doesn’t matter if baby has light or dark skin, infants need to be sheltered from skin-damaging UV exposure.  Besides wearing wide-brimmed hats or caps, apply chemical-free sunscreen to exposed areas.  If you are cruising in a stroller, remember to keep the canopy up.

Remember to be safe while enjoying the outdoors…your baby will love you for it!

Remember to talk to your Pediatrician first before applying!


Want to know how Kimora Lee, mother and fashion mogul maintains her fabulosity?  Well, look no further, get the behind  the scenes look from Kimora’s very own make up artist, Christopher Michael.  Michael shows us from the below bonus  clip of Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane (airs Sundays at 9pm et/pt on Style Network) how to get the mogul’s signature daytime look. Thanks for the tip Christopher!


This week’s tip Many parents watch their baby turn 3 or 4 and realize that Mom took all the photos – so she’s rarely in them. If you’re the one who’s spending most of the time behind the camera, hand the camera to Dad or a good friend and ask him to document your life as Mom. That way, as your baby grows, you’ll be able to remember – and show your child – pictures of you caring for the baby in all those myriad ways: bathing, changing, walking, cuddling, reading to…


Bump it Up (Amazon, $18) by Amy Tara Koch is the ultimate how-to guidebook to maternity fashion and beauty

Koch speaks to People.com on some pregnancy style updates:

Belts as necklaces. “When shimmering chain belts can no longer circle your girth, pop them over your head for flashy, Versace-looking necklaces,” Koch explains.

Underwear as ready-to-wear. For those who dare to bare, underpinnings can give “major look for minor dough.” Koch suggests raiding your grandmother’s closet or a flea market for sleek black satin slips, then layering them with a belted cardigan and jewelry.

Dresses as tunics. Your easy-to-wear shift dresses may ride up now thanks to your baby bump, but paired with leggings and a ballet flat or boot, they become tasteful tunics.

Skirts as dresses. “Yank too-small skirts with stretchy waistbands over your engorged boobs, and you’ll have a swingy new trapeze dress,” Koch says.

Swimwear as outerwear. No, not swimsuits, but splashy cover-ups, which can easily pull double duty as pregnancy apparel. “Filene’s Basement is filled with tunics that feel like Matthew Williamson,” she says.

But regardless of what changes you make to your maternity wardrobe, Koch has one mega-rule: Pitch any crappy comfort clothes, including sneakers and sweats. “Nothing looks frumpier,” she laments. “Volume control is the key to a balanced, chic look.”

For more pregnancy poshness check out her book here: Bump It Up: Transform Your Pregnancy into the Ultimate Style Statement
