How To Be A Happy Mom 24-7!

Over the past weekend I had the pleasure of presenting to new and expectant moms over at the YWCA on how to stay sane, look good and stay on course in a parenting event called “Bringing up Baby”.…I mentioned in my speech that I did not have a medical background or degree to back me up my claims, but since I had survived being a mom for the past 2 years that had made me an expert…Right? Right!

So, continue to read my top 10 tips and advice that has made me a better friend, wife and mom….

I am a first time mom to my two-year-old son and I am also an only child which means I never had the opportunity to change a diaper or had to care for a child, so when I had my child it was all new.  In this new  world called motherhood, it can be easy to loose yourself and be sane while balancing it all, so in the midst of multitasking don’t forget YOU!

What do you see on the cover of every glossy magazine after a celebrity has given birth? Them in a two piece itty-bitty bikini with them quoted saying “I lost 50 pounds in just 2 days”…seriously?! As much as we like to think we are celebrities in our own right, I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the access or luxury of having 10 nannies, a private chef or a live in fitness trainer. So first and foremost, we must not compare ourselves to them or to anyone else, it’ll just drive you insane.

So, today I am just gonna give you some easy breezy tips that has helped me along the way, tips that I myself have done and tips that I have learned from my fellow mommy friends.

  1. Pick up a hobby, become a mompruhnur. Running, reading, yoga, Zumba, are all great pastimes to clear your brain from the kiddie tunes playing on repeat. While I was pregnant, I started  Mommy Posh, where I documented my personal experiences as an expectant mom, two years later this “pet project” turned into a site for product review and the latest on mom fashions and baby trends. So I challenge you moms to become a mompruhnur.
  2. Stay active in mommy and me groups.  Check your local Gymboree (babies can join up as early as 2 months old), public library and Barnes&Noble for free mommy and me meet up groups. Just think of motherhood as being apart of a secret society and sorority of gals gabbing it up – about breastfeeding, latest baby trends and secrets to having your baby sleep throughout the night.
  3. Pencil in adult time.  Stay at home moms tends to feel isolated and alone and miss conversations that don’t center around Thomas the train or Elmo, the only real way is to fit in mandatory times with adults. Go out with the gals, date night with your spouse, either way its a good way for a mommy to recharge and unwind without the little one trying to get your attention
  4. Increase childcare.  Ask your neighbor friend to watch you kiddie for 30 minutes so that you can run an errand.
  5. Work from home.  For you working moms, take a break from commuting and work from home. And give the babysitter a day off.
  6. Set goals.  Moms tend to forget about themselves and only focus on their child’s goals but if you get yourself geared up for your own goals you’ll feel accomplished and your able to check them off of your bucket list.
  7. Get out of the house.  Plan activities to do with you child…go to the park, gymboree, library, and the mall.
  8. This to shall pass. Teething, late night tremors, night feedings will soon seem like a blur.
  9. Mom”me” time.  As a mom you are always taking care of others, so carve out some time for you! ask hubby to watch the baby and go for a walk alone, get a mani/pedi, a hot bath and relax. Afterwards you will feel refreshed and ready to be a mom again.
  10. Have fun.   Make an attempt to spend quality time with your little one. It can be hard when we see the piled up dishes, or the laundry basket that is overloaded, the laundry, bills, dirty dishes….It can all wait!

Simple enough, right? So put down the dishes, hand over your to do list to your hubby and recharge those batteries, you will be thankful for it.


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