October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we must make it a point to educate ourselves – both men (yes, even men can get breast cancer) and women – on risk factors, ways to reduce the risk of breast cancer and learn how to give ourselves a breast exam. And remember, if you are over 40 years of age or if breast cancer runs in your family, it is important to schedule an annual mammogram.

Below is a mini guide to help you get started on your breast cancer awareness from the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc:

Risk Factors:

  • Family history
  • Early puberty (before 12 years old) or Late menopause (after 55 years old)
  • Not having children or Having children after 30 years old
  • Obesity and high-fat diets
  • 2 to 5 alcoholic drinks daily

Reduce the Risk:

  • Exercise or Being physically active
  • Eat Soy, Broccoli, Red Apples, Red Cabbage or Red Grapes
  • Drink green tea
  • Regular screening tests
  • Avoid hormone replacement therapy if possible


Self Examination:

Breast cancer self-examinations should be done monthly at the same time of the month, and right after your period ends.

  • In the Shower: Fingers flat, move gently over every part of each breast. Use your right hand to examine the left breast, left hand for the right breast. Check for any lump, hard knot, or thickening. Carefully observe any changes in your breasts.
  • Before a Mirror: Inspect your breasts with your arms at your sides. Next, raise your arms high overhead. Look for any changes in the contour of each breast, a swelling, a dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipples. Then rest your palms on your hips and press firmly to flex your chest muscles. Left and right breasts will not exactly match—few women’s breasts do.
  • Lying Down: Place a pillow under your right shoulder and put your right arm behind your head. With the fingers of your left hand flat, press your right breast gently in small circular motions, moving vertically or in a circular pattern covering the entire breast. Use light, medium, and firm pressure. Squeeze the nipple; check for discharge and lumps. Repeat these steps for your left breast.

Fight Breast Cancer:

Donate, fundraise and/or volunteer. You can also shop at selected stores where the proceeds are donated to the fight. Check out these sites for various ways on how you can help them fight breast cancer.


Eliminating the bottle and binky

For my toddler son, his security blanket is not a binky, nor a woobie, but a B-O-T-T-L-E. Please, I can’t even say the word out loud in front of him, cause he will want his “fix”.

While he loves drinking water out of a sippy cup, drinking milk from one is a challenge.  His Pediatrician is pretty sterned about me weaning the bottle, but she doesn’t know the tantrums and crying spells that I experience if he doesn’t get his mid afternoon/night bottle feedings. However, over the weekend, I had a “mommy intervention” and learned that I may be causing him harm than good.

On Saturday, I took Lil B to an early speech class just to see how he is progressing for a child his age. Five minutes into the class, Lil B was showing off his fine motor and gross motor skills. With my ego pumped, I asked myself “what am I doing here again?” well, soon after asking that question, my ego was immediately deflated when the instructor asked me if my son was still drinking from a bottle.  Sheepishly, I said yes.  That’s when the intervention began.  She mentioned that any delay of speech and any future speech issues can be caused with the use of drinking from a bottle, sippy cups or the use of a pacifier. The reasoning was because drinking from a bottle/sippy cup fails to engage the lips and tongue in a way to develop more advanced speech patterns. Say no more!!

My hubby and I immediately went out and picked up a few spill proof straw cups, a bottle of wine, and a 12 pack of beer – please this was going to be a loooonnngg day!  Since we kept him busy throughout the day  he was able to fall asleep without asking for a bottle. Yay, issue diverted….however bedtime was readily approaching and that we knew would be a challenge.  We tried a straw cup — that was tossed out of the crib.  Next up was a sippy cup with a nipple-like top – no fooling him with that one.  Finally after nearly 90 minutes we gave him a bottle, but only with one ounce of milk –  he fell asleep soon after.

So after day one we have determined this won’t be a quick process, but it is something that we need to be strong about. Out of sight, out of mind, they say, so hiding a few bottles and throwing away most just might make this process work. I hope! More to come…stay tuned!

Are you going through a similar situation? Did you get a “mommy intervention”? Do you have some tips or suggestion that you feel may work?  Would love to hear from you.


I am pleased to bring to you the newest segment called “Posh Mom Of The Week”. Each week we will bring to you a mom that signifies overall POSHness, a mom that reveals real stories and experiences that celebrate, entertain and inspire the woman, who is a mom.

My first guest, I am proud to say is my Friend, as well as, a Mother, a Wife, a Caterer and a Promoter of Health and Wellness, Ivette Maymi. This POSH mom chatted with me about how she inspires others to become fit and healthy with the success of the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge, the launch of her food blog, her family, kitchen must haves and easy breezy recipes (that even I can follow).

MommyPosh: Tell us a little about yourself. Your family.
Ivette: I’m 39, happily married for 6 years and I have two beautiful children, Cailyn 13 and Caleb 2. I manage my husband’s financial services business, run my catering biz, and work with an amazing health and wellness company. I LOVE to cook, read, dance, sing, relax with my family, and travel.

MommyPosh: Tell us about the launch of your new blog – Healthy Is the New Delicious?
Ivette:  I designed the blog to show people how to stop thinking negatively about healthy food. Healthy food IS delicious. There’s a way to prepare your meals using substitutions or even different preparation techniques that bring about the same satisfaction as if you ate the fattier counterpart.You CAN eat delicious food, GUILT FREE!

MommyPosh: When did you discover your love for healthy cooking?
Ivette: Honestly, I was never a “healthy” eater. I pretty much ate whatever I felt like eating. Once that caught up to me, I realized I had to make a change. When I lost 30 lbs. earlier this year, I realized that I didn’t want to just lose the weight, I wanted to change my lifestyle. I started preparing dishes that tasted just as good, if not better, than their fattier counterparts, and thus began my love affair

MommyPosh: Tell us about your healthy lifestyle philosophy?
Ivette: I don’t believe in dieting. I found out the hard way that you can diet and restrict yourself until you’re completely miserable and if you don’t make a change in your eating lifestyle, you’ll gain the weight back. I yoyo-dieted on and off for 2 years before I found the health challenge that changed it all for me. I never struggled with my weight before. I modeled when I was younger. So the low point for me was developing gallbladder disease. According to the doctors, I didn’t fit the profile for someone who would get gallstones, but I knew that my careless eating contributed to it. I had emergency surgery six months after my c-section and it led to a lot of depression. I just couldn’t get fit and the doctors warned me about exercising. View Post


Mommy Posh is now a proud member of the Hot Mom Spa Squad. Which means that I have been appointed to spread the message of pampering and wellness to moms worldwide. So check back here for Spa Gift Card giveaways, spa reviews and other spa-inspiring stuff.  Twitter hashtag – #hotspamoms

Lord only knows how stressful being a mom is…not to sway you non-moms from one day becoming moms, but maintaing a household, keeping up with your child’s school activities, PTA meetings, working full time and trying to raise a well rounded kid can sometimes make you feel like a chicken with its head cut off. Of course, being a mom is rewarding, I remember not so long ago when my son first said “mommy”, oh how did my heart sing, but getting some mom”me” time is oh so sweet!

So mark your calendars, it is officially that time of year again – Spa week! During Oct 10-16, book an appointment with your favorite local spa and indulge in some YOU time!

Check out this video to find out what you can expect….


Don’t forget to follow my Tweets @MommyPosh for savings and Spa Gift Card.


Today’s guest post is from Melissa Davis, fashion consultant of Softie Baby Shoes, a children’s shoe site.  Melissa, a POSH mom to her beautiful baby girl and fashionista shares with us today her take on Children’s Choice Fashion Finds for 2011.

Shopping is amusing for all women. Buying stylish outfits, accessories and shoes is the most exciting thing for them. For yourself, you can choose the one that you like. However, how do you choose the selection when you’re shopping for your kids? You need to resolve all issues while selecting an item for your kids. Whether its clothes, kids shoes or accessories, you need to make enough considerations before choosing. Keeping the budget in mind, you prefer to provide them the best possible comfort. When comfort is attained, you further look for the latest trends going among kid’s wears A wide range of bright colors and ruffles have been included to kids fashion wear this fall. Modern styles and patterns are employed to update the uniforms as well.

Fashion for boys:
– You can add different flavors to your boy’s looks by integrating the dresses with suitable accessories like hoodies, ties, socks, etc.
– Graphics styles have become very trendy among the costumes of younger boys, and they are used in almost every item.
– You can go for plaid to provide perfect style to your kid as it has popularity these days.
– Layers would be a good choice for the fall season as they provide the stylish look as well as keep the kids warm.
– Fas Leather jacket of black faux, graphic tees and messy here provides the retro look to boys.

Fashion for girls:
– This fall season the trend for girls would be shimmer & shine.
– Their uniforms can be accessorized with ruffle socks, belts & shiner hair accessories.
– The sequins, trendy leggings and graphic tees would provide glamorous looks to girls.
– Colored jeans allow girls to present their style in terms of color; it would be another good option.

– Vests are the best option as outerwear this fall. Sporting vests for both girls & boys are available.
– This season faux fur-made outerwear has become very popular and well known by the name Hippie or Bohemian. Furthermore, it is named as Peacock by designer Sophie. However, it looks funny yet fashionable.
– Tiffany Talbot’s hot seller is a perfect match for boys. View Post
