Over the past weekend, the hubby and I headed to Playwrights Horizons Mainstage in Manhatten’s theater district to see Assistance – for some much needed adult time.

Just minutes away from curtain call

Brrr…it was a little chilly in the city so excuse the “hurry up and take the photo look”

The backstory is this: horrible bosses! No workplace is fit to stage without one hell of a horrible boss, so consumed by entitlement he is blinded by how he treats and speaks to his “subordinates”…sounds familiar?  Written by Leslye Headland, the play features a talented young cast.

For these young assistants, life is an endless series of humiliations. In rare moments when the boss isn’t phoning in for over the top demands, Nick and Nora (the main cast of characters) and their traumatized co-workers question whether all their work will lead to success — or just more work.
This 60 minute play was a AHA! moment for me…as I too had once asked myself “is my job my life?” or “If I do this one project I’ll surely get recognized”…only later, after much needed soul searching did I learn that none of that mattered and didn’t feel the need to sell myself to the devil along the way.

The hubby and I loving the play and saying “wow, do I act like that?”

{Disclosure: I received tickets to this performance via MamaDrama in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed herein are my own.}


After gaining 40 lbs (seriously?? where??) during her pregnancy, Beyonce is so dedicate to getting back in shape and has allegedly moved her  personal trainer, Marco Borges, into her house, according to the Daily Mail!

Her live-in trainer wakes her up at 5am for an intense, 2-hour workout session, followed by another 2-hour session at 5pm! They do a mix of cardio, Pilates, plyometrics, yoga and, of course, dance.

According to further reports she has lost a little over of 14 lbs….

Here’s how to get a small waist like Beyonce and remember to consult your doctor first before any diet regime:

1. Try a Cleanse Diet.  I have been on the Isagenix 9 day cleanse for life and have lost 10 lbs in the process – read my testimony here..the best part is that I experienced no “nasty” side effects.  And besides what better to remove all the toxins from your body with a nutrition supplement that still allows you to eat….

2. Get Your Dance On. Locate a Zumba studio/gym in your area that offers this dance craze.  Not ready to bust your moves in front of strangers, then try it out at home with the DVD collection set ($89.95, Amazon). Dancing can provide a high impact cardio workout. View Post


What is the first thing you do once you know your due date? For some mothers, it’s to check what star sign their little one is likely to be! Whether you are a firm believer in star signs or just consider it a bit of fun, having an idea of your baby’s personality while it is still growing inside of you is a lovely way to bond with your child and creates even more excitement over the birth!

Conceiving on The Right Day?

I’ve actually heard of parents attempting to conceive on certain days to ensure their baby is born within their favourite star sign. While I believe this may be a bit far, (after all, if your baby is early/late will you be disappointed?) I do like the idea that as soon as your baby is conceived, it is growing its own little personality inside you, whatever star sign it is. So here is a quick look at how your baby’s star sign may affect his or her personality:

Gemini baby (sign of the Twins) 22nd May- 21st June: Gemini babies are often very chatty, so don’t be surprised if your baby starts talking before you’d expect! They love attention and copy other people’s examples. They can change their mind very quickly and prefer to have lots of activity around them to quiet, peaceful days.

Cancer baby (sign of the Crab) 22nd June- 23rd July: Cancer babies are sensitive, loving children who long to feel safe and cherished. They can often have mood swings changing from excited to upset quickly. They also have strong intuition, meaning they attach bonds very suddenly.

Leo baby (sigh of the Lion) 24th July- 23rd August: Babies born under this sign are outgoing from the moment they breathe air! Leo babies like to be the centre of attention and can cause a lot of fuss if that isn’t the case. They are intuitive and curious, and just like the lion, they don’t back down!

Virgo baby (sign of the Virgin) 24th August- 23rd September: Virgo babies can be hard to please thanks to their stubborn nature, but they are also quiet and sensitive. They love attention and quality time with mum and will enjoy a snuggle with an interesting and colourful book.

Libra baby: (sign of the Scales) 24th September- 23rd October: This little one will be walking before they’re talking! Librans love activity and exploration. They observe their surroundings and hate conflict, so make sure you never exchange cross words in front of your little Libra, this is a common theme in horoscopes for Libra’s.

Scorpio baby (sign of the Scorpion) 24th October- 22nd November: Scorpio babies can seem a little unpredictable. One minute they’re shy and reserved, the next they’re demanding a toy from a stranger! They are fiery, passionate individuals who love to be cuddled but also like their own space. View Post


Workin' It Out!

It took me years to realize how important it was to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Not until was I trying to get pregnant, did I realize that what I ate was not only important to my inner and outer beauty, but to my reproductive system.  From prenatal vitamins (which I still take, two years later), not sweating the small stuff and maintaining a well balance diet are just a few ways in being a true Mommy Posh.

Now being a stay at home mom, my day is a huge balancing act, between my child, husband, home and being a Momprenuer, can sometimes make this Mom scream,  but if it wasn’t for me giving myself some mom”me” time, I would end up resenting my hubby and maybe even myself…by relaxing, relating and releasing I am able to perform like a well oiled machine. So make sure to give yourself little rewards throughout the day, it’ll make you a better mom and wife.

Usually, the night before, I prepare breakfast or on-the-go snacks that can get me pumped throughout the day, with sliced fresh fruit, granola bars or Instant Quaker Oats and bottle of water, my morning is stress-free while getting my son ready for school. By eating a well balance “quick” and healthy meal, I am ready to begin my day…from managing my home, arranging playdates, blogging, taking a dance class and/or catching up with my mommy friends, without suffering from a sugar crash. Remember moms, it does not take a lot of effort to lead a healthy lifestyle and there really is no excuse that you can have that should allow you to do otherwise.

What do you do to jump start your day? 

Wanna learn more on how you can live a healthy lifestyle? Join in on the “Starting the day off right…”discussion with the team from Quaker Oats and Glam Media and automatically be entered in the sweepstakes! 

Join here on THURSDAY, 2/9 AT 4PM PST/ 7PM EST

Why Instant Quaker Oats? Enjoy the benefit of a warm, filling bowl of oatmeal can keep you going all morning long, that’s why!  

Energy.  Fiber.  Heart Health. 

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Quaker via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Quaker.


As your child goes from a newborn, to an infant, to a toddler you have to change your car seat.  Sure the infant carrier you own is probably convenient – it is easy to transfer from stroller to car without even disturbing their sleep. Well it isn’t quite so easy once they get bigger and you have to strap them back in to a car seat every time.  Now selecting a car seat can be a bit of a daunting experience.  There are countless varieties, brands, fabrics, features, and terminologies. So, given the cost of some car seats we wanted to make sure we were going to get one that lasted as long as we needed it too.  That made it easy to eliminate any car seat that didn’t support a toddler over a certain weight.  I was familiar with the Britax line and the positive reviews their products have received.  So we decided to go with the Britax Boulevard 70 car seat for our needs. Before I talk about the safety features, the 70lb weight limit made me comfortable knowing that this would be the last car seat we would have to buy.

Choosing the right car seat for your toddlerWith regard to the features the Britax line is impressive.  Between side impact protection, a harness you can’t install incorrectly, the ability to recline the seat, sturdy LATCH connections, and a tether that can hook into most cars for additional impact protection.   The car seat fit into our CRV without much of a hassle.  Since I was familiar with hooking in the baby seat base the car seat only took about 15 minutes to secure and have ready for you.  When we turned the seat from rear facing to front facing I was glad I had the instructions because you have to move the LATCH connections around.

Those of you that want a selection when it comes to the color of your car seat, don’t worry because this seat comes in nine different options.  The cover is removable so it is easy to clean after your little one decides to spill their juice box all over it or introduce their ice cream cone to to the headrest.

Some advice when selecting a car seat…go look at them in the store, check the latches, ask if you can put it in your car to check the fit and ease of use, and once you do purchase it, contact your local police department for installation and will ensure that your have installed it correctly.

Cost on this specific car seat is between $230-$320 depending on where you look, but try it out in the store and buy online for the best price.  Also plan ahead because you will need a new car seat and if you wait until the last minute you will usually end up getting something you don’t want because you had to get something right away.
